Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ramblings and an Important Link

I leave on Friday morning for New Zealand. I have spent the better part of my day running around trying to get last minute things. The first month will be spent in hotels for the most part, but for the second part of my trip I will be riding my bike and camping. Two months on a bike is a daunting thought. I am both scared and excited about the trip. As almost everyone has told me, It is going to be a life changing experience. I have traveled all across the world and been to a ton a of different countries, but this will be the first time I will have spent so long a time in one country. (besides the U.S. of course.) I have no doubts that I am going to love the place, and I have heard nothing but good things about the people. People make a place. You can be somewhere as beautiful as any other and think it is a horrible place if your surrounded by assholes. And just the opposite, you can live in a flat place by the river and the sea with not much to do, and be completely content. Wilmington for me is a wonderful place. Not because of the amazing views of chemical plants, or the surplus of SUV toting soccer moms, or the complete lack of outdoor activities (minus skating). Wilmington is a wonderful place for me because of the people that are there. I have countless numbers of friends that I know are my real friends. People that have supported me in my recovery and people who respect my decision not to drink. People that tons of fun to be around and are grounded in life. I don't like false people who hold materialistic ideals of what they should be like. I have friends that are down to earth. Friends that keep me grounded. There is a real sense of community in Wilmington that I think is lost in so many other places. I have been gone for two days and I already miss it. I'm curious to see how the people of New Zealand hold up to my friends in Wilmington. I'd be really hard pressed to find better people.
I have been thinking about the people and especially my friends lately because of the thought of moving to New Zealand. Sarah and I have talked about quite a bit. There are a whole lot of ifs involved but the thought of it makes me thankful for friends at home.

OK. sorry I got all sappy about my friends. Didn't mean to get all mushy on you. So any way, I ran around today trying to make sure I got all the gear I need for the trip. Two months of riding and camping is a long time so I had to get some sweet gear. I'll be sure to show you guys some pictures when it's in use. I did get a fancy new leatherman today because my old one got lost somewhere in my move. I really wanted the same one but they don't make the leatherman ""super tool" any more. I had to get the wave, or curve or something smooth sounding name like that. I don't know who thought of renaming all the lethermans with such weak names as such. Its a damn tool, call it something tuff. for example...when picking a tool would you go for the Leatherman Pillow Tool? or the Letherman Man Tool? It's not even a question. You will go for any tool with the word Man in the title. "Buy this hammer....its a MAN hammer"

Edit*** I totally forgot to tell you something. I want to come back to the states because more than moving to New Zealand, Sarah and I want to do this.

So on a side note...does anyone actually read this blog??? If you do tell everyone you know to tell everyone they know to check it out. I know its quite boring now but soon it will be filled with all sorts of rad shit!


eric said...

You all are going to have a blast. Safe travels.

Anonymous said...

More Rad Shit like the insides of Sarah's nostrils!

Anonymous said...

You'll never be a nobody to us so that must mean you're "somebody". Please change that to read Travels and Tripulations of a Somebody?!! If you want money you need to let people know how to get it to you or did I miss that?

Anonymous said...

Scott...Your dad sent out the link to your blog. Amazing! We hope you and Sarah have a fabulous truly will be the trip of a lifetime. Enjoy every minute and we will continue to read about your escapades. Keep blogging. We really are interested! Much love and safe travels....Rock and Jane

johnny said...

More Rad Shit Please!