Wednesday, January 21, 2009

In queenstown for the night

Well I am in Queenstown for the night to rest. Tommorrow we are headed back out towrds the milford sound to partake on a four day hike. The hike itself is called the milford walk and is considered by many to be the finest walk in the world. They only let a ceratain amount of people on the trail at a time. Because of this limits there is something like a two year waiting peroid to get on the trail. The walk cover around forty mles and ends in the milford sound where we spent last night. We took a boat around the sound this morning but it was cloudy so not many of the paeks were visible. Even so it was amazing. The mountains surrounding the sound jump straight out of the water. Tonight I am charging all my batteries because for the next three nights I will be staying in huts along the trail. They are bug community huts with bunk rooms and large general cooking/eating areas. I al looking forward to meeting all sorts of interesting people. There will be about fifty people in each hut each night. I am told there are hundreds of waterfalls along the trail and the views are to die for. I am most exicted about being so far away from civilization. It has been awhile since I have been on such a remote trail. I uploaded some more pictures on to my flickr account. To get there follow the link in the previous post.

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